Onboarding: The Key To Engaging New Employees
- Posted by Fawkes and Reece
- On 3rd April 2018
The recruitment process doesn’t end when you send out a contract to your new employee, there is still a key component that is sometimes overlooked – onboarding.
Onboarding is the process of how a new employee is assimilated into the company. The overall objective should be strategic; focused on maximising the engagement and retention of new employees whilst ensuring they are having a positive impact in the quickest time possible.
The process should be about much more than just showing them where they will be working. An induction to the company should cover the following areas:
- Company brand and values
- Internal policies and processes
- Company culture
- What they need to do to be successful in the company
Some of this information should have already been provided in the interview process so it is important that there is consistency throughout your approach to onboarding.
There are also some practical steps you can take to help a new employee settle in quickly:
- Create a buddy system
- Have a colleague take them out to lunch and show them the surrounding area
- Introduce them to people in the office
- Book catch-up meetings in weeks one to three to check how they are settling in
Improving the retention of employees is beneficial for any business, not just in saving money but also in maintaining and improving the productivity of teams. Investing time in how you welcome people into your business can bring long term positive impacts.